Programming Language

Image result for assembly language vs machine language

The computer only understands 1’s and 0’s, the machine code– which can be executed on the CPU.

So every group of 1 and 0’s in the machine code may represent an instruction (such as load, add, subtract etc) or memory address, these set of instructions that the computer understands make up the machine language. Instruction Set Architecture, ISA is the link between software and hardware.

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Machine Language & Assembly Language

To better read and instruct the processor, a more readable form of machine language called assembly language is used. Here mnemonic codes are used to refer to machine code instructions. Assembly languages are low level programming languages as they are closer in resemblance to machine language instructions. It was introduced by Kathleen Booth in 1947.

In time, high level programming languages were introduced to hide computer details and focus on problem solving. eg – Java, C++, Python

The first widespread high level language was FORTRAN introduced in the 1950s. Java was developed by James Gosling and released in 1995. It provides more abstraction than C and hence today’s programmers might consider C as a low level language. Other high level languages are PHP, Python, Visual Basic, Ruby, Perl, C# etc.

The next achievement would be instructing the computer in English or any such language.

What do you think should be our next goal in technological advancements?

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